Captured Events
Below are several of the various events that have happened for Tampa Bay Vineyard.
Oil Change 2023
What a wonderful time! Christian Brothers Automotive offered their annual Oil Change Outreach to Single Moms and Widow. Tampa Bay Vineyard stepped up again at the Brandon/Riverview site we were able to bless over 35 ladies with a free oil change and car wash. We were able to talk and pray with so many wonderful people!

Women’s Retreat 2023
Saturday October 7, 2023 was our annual Women’s Retreat. We met at Cedarkirk Conference enter in Lithia, FL. We had an incredible day learning about the “Woman at the Well”. How Jesus specifically picked her. We had great worship, some fun crafts, and an incredible time of fellowship.

Pentecost Sunday
On Sunday, May 28 over 100 churches in the Tampa Bay Area, including a few from Central Florida and the East Coast of Florida, joined together to worship God as One Church. Over 60 of those churches closed their doors for Sunday to allow their whole congregation to join in together. For over two hours, we worshipped, prayed, and honored God.

Workday for Red & Sue
Our newlyweds were in need of some home maintenance. Our congregation stepped up, and with the assistance of Open Arms for Christ, a lot of items on their To-Do List were taken care of. Take a look at all the workers and work that was accomplished.

Honoring the 1st Anniversary as Lead Pastors
On Sunday April 16, 2023 we celebrated Pastors Jay and Charlene on the first anniversary of them stepping up to take the reins of our church. We are so thankful the first year is behind us and we look forward to all that God has planned for His Church.

New Name Launch
On Sunday February 26th, we launched as Tampa Bay Vineyard. We chose our new name to reflect that we are part of the Vineyard Family of Churches. We also wanted to tie our name to our home - the Tampa Bay area of Florida. God, and the Holy Spirit are moving, and for those that may not know, the body of water that is known as Tampa Bay, is also known as Baya de Spirito Santo, or the “Bay of the Holy Spirit”. So, here are some pictures of our service as we launched our new name.

Men’s Events
The men gather the first of each month for a breakfast. The also have other events, such as conferences, retreats, and other gatherings. We have been able to get at least one photo of a recent breakfast.
Women’s Events
The women gather monthly to enjoy a time of fellowship. Events can include, but are not limited to Brunches, Outings, or Crafting events. Sometimes it is a combination of fun. Here are some of the pictures of the ladies coming together.

Easter Brunch & Craft

Pool Party

Center Place’s Tree Lighting
What a wonderful evening it was to see the community come together and enjoy the Annual Tree Lighting at Center Place. Santa was there for the kids, yummy snacks and beverages that were shared by all. Center Place was all decorated, including art murals on the windows. We were also honored to have our local Senator and Councilman attend. Our own Pastor Jay provided a blessing for the event. AND … for a short time, it snowed when the tree, out on the pond, was lit up!

“Doing Church at Home”
So, what do you do when your rental space is not available? You just Do Church at Home. After all, the Church is not the building, but the people. So, due to a previously scheduled event prior to our signing the lease, Sunday, November 13 we needed to change it up a bit, so we held church at Pastors Jay & Charlene’s home. It was a wonderful Sunday!

Oil Change Outreach 2022
What a wonderful time! Christian Brothers Automotive, Redeemer Church, and JesusChurch all came together and at the Brandon/Riverview site we were able to bless 55 Single Moms and Widows with a free oil change and car wash. There was an inflatable play house for the kids and we were able to talk and pray with so many wonderful people!