Conference Videos
Vineyard National Conference
Main Session Videos now available
The 2023 Vineyard National Conference is now in the books, but you can still view the main sessions. You can find them posted to our Facebook page, as well as links to each of them below.
Mon. July 31, 2023
Session 1 Evening
Wonderful Worship and a message from Jay & Danielle Pathak about the different stages of life and seasons of change.
Worship starts at the 31:17 mark
Tue. August 1, 2023
Session 2 Morning
The morning started off with worship led by the Hispanic Association followed by a beautiful devotion from Irene Casale-Petrarcas.
Worship starts at the 29:20 mark.
Tue. August 1, 2023
Session 3 Afternoon
Another powerful session of Worship, followed by teachings on Evangelism. We saw and interview with Jay Pathak and Nicky Gumbel about the Alpha ministry. That was followed by NYC pastor Seth Bazacas.
Wed. August 2, 2023
Session 4 Morning
This morning’s worship had a black/Gospel flair, led by the Black Pastors and Leaders Association. Another wonderful and inspiring time of Worship. Followed by a devotion by James Payne about what we learn from a cultivated vine.
Worship starts at the 31:51 mark.
Wed. August 2, 2023
Session 5 Afternoon
Again, started off with incredible worship. Followed by an interview between Jay Pathak and Dave Ferguson about multiplying churches. We also heard from Corey Garris and some church planters as well as Christina Lowery who challenged us to invest in those the Lord brings to us.
Worship starts at 36:43
Thu. August 3, 2023
Session 6 Morning
Another morning of wonderful worship led by the Asian America Pacific Islander Association. They additionally shared how they honor their elders. It was a touching and beautiful moment. The morning devotion was shared by Mary Anne de la Torre as she reflected on how missionaries impacted her grandmother and her family.
Thu. August 3, 2023
Session 7 Afternoon
Another evening of incredible worship. After worship, we saw an interview with Jay Pathak and Rick Warren, talking about being intentional and witnessing to those unreached. We also heard from missionaries around the world. The live-stream carried a video update on Ukraine during the missionaries. Bubba Justice wrapped it up by challenging us to have a vision that includes the unchurched around the world.
Worship starts at the 31:00 mark.